Find out more about PHACCT, our high-performance solution for portfolio fair value hedge accounting, developed with pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank The modern web application fully maps the hedge process, offers full transparency and seamless integration into existing IT landscapes PHACCT enables faster processes, lower costs and flexible data access for future-proof banking solutions.
WeiterlesenAccording to IFRS9, the prospective test is, with a few exceptions, to be used for assessing the effectiveness of hedge relationships. In the second of two parts, we present the implementation of the prospective test according to the Risk Induced Fair Value approach as well as its challenges in implementation.
WeiterlesenThe IASB regulations in the IFRS 9 Standard came into effect within the EU on 1 January 2018 with the aim to replace the previous approach of the IAS 39. In hedge accounting, the prospective effectiveness test becomes increasingly important in this new standard. Companies are also given the option of initially continuing to account for the effectiveness of hedge relationships in accordance with IAS39. The first part of the two-part article presents the effect of the regulatory requirements on the prospective test.